⇨  Teams  ⇨  Physiology of neural networks


Philippe Isope

The cerebellum plays a major role in the control and learning of skilled movements, and in the timing of our actions. Despite its macroscopic isotropy, the cerebellar cortex is compartmentalized into biochemically- and functionally-defined modules. Indeed, Purkinje cells belong to multiple classes that form an array of transverse zones and parasagittal stripes, which can be identified by histochemical markers called Zebrins. Functional studies have demonstrated that task-related modules can be identified and selectively modified.

Our main questions are:
How is spatial and temporal information processed in cerebellar modules?
How is specific information communicated to other brain areas in normal and pathological conditions?

To address these issues, we combine in vitro and in vivo electrophysiological recordings with two photon imaging and optogenetic techniques in rodent cerebellum.


Frédéric Doussau (CRHC)


Bernard Poulain (DRCE, HDR)

Team members
  • Fekrije Selimi, Collège de France, Paris
  • Daniela Popa et Clément Léna, IBENS, Paris
  • Cathie Ventalon, IBENS, Paris
  • David Digregorio, Pasteur, Paris
  • Jean Livet, Institut de la Vision, Paris
  • Emmanuel Beaurepaire, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris-Saclay
  • Arvind Kumar, KTH, Suède

Cerebellar slice of a glyt2 mice (in green and blue, Golgi cells) stained by a Zebrin II antibody (in red, Aldolase C positive Purkinje cells, antibody from R Hawkes, Calgary)

Selected publications

Binda F, Spaeth L, Kumar A, Isope P. Excitation and Inhibition Delays within a Feedforward Inhibitory Pathway Modulate Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Output in Mice. J Neurosci. 2023 Aug 16;43(33):5905-5917. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0091-23.2023. Epub 2023 Jul 26. PMID: 37495382; PMCID: PMC10436687.

Spaeth L, Bahuguna J, Gagneux T, Dorgans K, Sugihara I, Poulain B, Battaglia D, Isope P. Cerebellar connectivity maps embody individual adaptive behavior in mice. Nat Commun. 2022 Jan 31;13(1):580. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-27984-8.

González-Calvo I, Iyer K, Carquin M, Khayachi A, Giuliani FA, Sigoillot SM, Vincent J, Séveno M, Veleanu M, Tahraoui S, Albert M, Vigy O, Bosso-Lefèvre C, Nadjar Y, Dumoulin A, Triller A, Bessereau JL, Rondi-Reig L, Isope P, Selimi F. Sushi domain-containing protein 4 controls synaptic plasticity and motor learning. eLife. 2021 Mar 4;10:e65712

Straub I, Witter L, Eshra A, Hoidis M, Byczkowicz N, Maas S, Delvendahl I, Dorgans K, Savier E, Bechmann I, Krueger M, Isope P, Hallermann S. Gradients in the mammalian cerebellar cortex enable Fourier-like transformation and improve storing capacity. eLife. 2020 Feb 5;9:e51771. doi: 10.7554/eLife.51771.

Özcan OO, Wang X, Binda F, Dorgans K, De Zeeuw CI, Gao Z, Aertsen A, Kumar A, Isope P. Differential Coding Strategies in Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurons in the Medial Cerebellar Nucleus. J Neurosci. 2020 Jan 2;40(1):159-170.

Dorgans K, Demais V, Bailly Y, Poulain B, Isope P, Doussau F. Short-term plasticity at cerebellar granule cell to molecular layer interneuron synapses expands information processing. eLife. 2019 May 13;8. pii: e41586.

Grangeray-Vilmint A, Valera AM, Kumar A, Isope P. Short-Term Plasticity Combines with Excitation-Inhibition Balance to Expand Cerebellar Purkinje Cell Dynamic Range. J Neurosci. 2018 May 30;38(22):5153-5167.

Doussau F, Schmidt H, Dorgans K, Valera AM, Poulain B, Isope P. Frequency-dependent mobilization of heterogeneous pools of synaptic vesicles shapes presynaptic plasticity. eLife 2017 Oct 9;6. pii: e28935.

Valera AM, Binda F, Pawlowski SA, Dupont JL, Casella JF, Rothstein JD, Poulain B, Isope P. Stereotyped spatial patterns of functional synaptic connectivity in the cerebellar cortex eLife. 2016 Mar 16;5. pii: e09862.

Proville RD, Spolidoro M, Guyon N, Dugué GP, Selimi F, Isope P, Popa D, Léna C. Cerebellum involvement in cortical sensorimotor circuits for the control of voluntary movements. Nat Neurosci. 2014 Sep;17(9):1233-9.

Chaumont J, Guyon N, Valera AM, Dugué GP, Popa D, Marcaggi P, Gautheron V, Reibel-Foisset S, Dieudonné S, Stephan A, Barrot M, Cassel JC, Dupont JL, Doussau F, Poulain B, Selimi F, Léna C, Isope P. Clusters of cerebellar Purkinje cells control their afferent climbing fiber discharge. PNAS. 2013 Oct 1;110(40):16223-8.
